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February 16, 2006

The global jury is still out on whether GMOs are a boon or a bust.

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The DVD release of a classic documentary about Hearst's abuduction raises timely questions about the intersection of terrorism and television.
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February 15, 2006

The rise of an anti-American like Moqtada al-Sadr shows how wide a defeat pro-Western forces have had in Iraq.
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The history of American elections is not pretty: Voting irregularities have been widespread since long before Bush v. Gore, but now is the time to reverse course.
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Americans cling to an idealized image of our political integrity, but a look at how we run our elections tells a very different tale.
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Why are some of America's biggest technology companies helping Beijing crack down on Chinese cyberdissidents?
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Although the new Medicare drug plan can cut costs to beneficiaries who navigate its bureaucratic maze, critics say it's costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.
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Little is left to the imagination in America's more popular Spanish-language radio shows, which get raunchy while they shake up the common Latino status quo.
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We need a whistle-blower with the courage to speak out loudly, and early enough to prevent the Bush administration from getting us into another unnecessary war.
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February 14, 2006

Of course the Cheney shooting was an accident, but it still helps illustrate the Bush administration's curiously shifting history on issues of blame and responsibility.
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Bush loyalists continue to point to Bush-haters' accusations of WMD 'lies' as evidence of their hate.
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A breakthrough theory reimagines human origins and debunks the whole concept of 'pure races.'
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The James Frey fiasco is not the first time accounts, descriptions or even research about drugs have been sensationalized or fabricated and proven false.
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Sustainable Living: In this high season of shopping for commitment rings and dazzling gems, here's our guide to diamonds that are not supporting wars or child labor.
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As the violence over the cartoons expands, we are no closer to defining the boundaries of free speech in an age of growing religious fundamentalism.
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As the violence over the cartoons expands, we are no closer to defining the boundaries of free speech in an age of growing religious fundamentalism.
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Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker opens up about activism, love, writing and the rebirth of 'The Color Purple' as a Broadway musical.
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The author of a new book about virginity discusses the -- ahem -- ins and outs of America's obsession with sexual 'purity.'
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Our current anti-drug tactics are underminding government stabilization, the war on terrorism and even the anti-drug tactics themselves.
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Our current anti-drug tactics are underminding government stabilization, the war on terrorism and even the anti-drug tactics themselves.
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